
'Leaders now value internal comms' - CIPR Inside report

CIPR Inside - the Chartered Institute of Public Relations' internal communication group - has launched a new research report spotlighting the perceptions of internal communication amongst chief executives.

Making it Count delivers an upbeat assessment of the practice, with senior leaders demonstrating a sharp understanding and appreciation of internal communication.

Drawing on interviews with 14 CEOs, the study lifts the lid on the ability of internal communicators to impact company culture. The research reveals how internal communicators have become recognised as "the custodians of translating strategy, company values and priorities, enabling others to understand the part they play".

The opinions of the chief executives are complemented by the views of 89 internal communicators.

Other key findings include:

  • Senior leaders identify a link between good internal communication and strong financial performance
  • CEOs acknowledge the difficulty of measuring the effectiveness of internal communication as a contributing factor of engagement and culture
  • Internal communicators have earned the trust of senior leaders to develop strategic messages
  • There is a need to clearly define internal communication and provide clarity on how it differs from employee engagement
  • Culture has a big impact on the work and function of internal communication and can dictate how its value is perceived.


Jenni Field, CIPR Inside Chair
The voice of the internal communicator has been growing louder within the communication space, but little research has been done to understand what business leaders think about our practice.

This report is the start of a new conversation - a conversation that needs to see us move from discussion between ourselves, to discussions with the leaders of the organisations we serve.

Examining research conducted by industry experts such as VMA Group and Dr Kevin Ruck, CIPR Inside has been able to create a report that combines insights and opinions about the world of internal communication, allowing us for the first time to have a meaningful conversation about what we should be focusing on to demonstrate our value to our leaders.
Jenni Field, CIPR Inside Chair

The report was launched by CIPR Inside at the group's annual conference yesterday. For reaction to the conference and the report, search #MakingitCount.