
A "great relief" as decision to repeal IR35 is welcomed by the CIPR

The Chancellor today announced that off-payroll tax rules - knows as IR35 - are to be repealed saying the "reforms to off-payroll working have added unnecessary complexity and cost for many businesses".

The CIPR had warned IR35 would impact the demand for independent practitioners, place an unacceptable administrative burden on them, and stifle enterprise and business by depriving the private sector of the necessary experience and skills that an independent practitioner can offer. 

Alastair McCapra, CIPR Chief Executive

The concerns we raised as IR35 was introduced into the private sector in 2021 followed four years of members telling us the issues and complexities the new rules had meant when they were introduced in the public sector in 2017. The decision to scrap these is a welcome one and will be a great relief to many independent practitioners in our industry and beyond.

This decision will benefit businesses, workers, and the economy. We look forward to working with the new government as they continue to evolve tax rules and will make sure the needs of members are met and their views shared.

Alastair McCapra, CIPR Chief Executive

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