
CIPR condemns inaccurate Early Day Motion

The CIPR has responded to an Early Day Motion sponsored by Keith Vaz MP and Sir Bob Russell MP, branding it ‘inaccurate and unhelpful’ and urges MPs not to sign it.

The EDM, which presents an incorrect figure for the number of CIPR members who have signed the UKPAC register, implies that the CIPR and UKPAC do not support a mandatory register of lobbyists. The CIPR is on the record calling for a universal, statutory register that includes all lobbyists, whether in-house or agency, going far beyond the limited register proposed in the Government’s consultation document.

Commenting, Jane Wilson, CIPR CEO said:

Jane Wilson, CIPR CEO
The CIPR has made signing the UKPAC register an obligation for lobbying members and we are continually urging them to do so, but it is up to the individual to make that step personally. The continual confusion over the legislation around the register has left many people in ‘wait and see’ mode. This is far from ideal, and we want to move to a situation where all lobbyists are registered. We don’t support rushing into complicated legislation and more work needs to be done to get the draft Bill right, but two years after the Coalition agreement we are still in a vacuum. We agree that the Government should introduce their legislation – preferably after further consultation about the definition of lobbying they propose to include – as soon as they can get it right. Their proposal for a limited register would be an instant failure. Neither of the MPs behind this motion bothered to contact the CIPR. If they had done so, we could have corrected some of their assumptions about the industry’s position and given them accurate and up-to-date figures. Such an inaccurate and badly written EDM is unhelpful and should be ignored by MPs.
Jane Wilson, CIPR CEO
Notes to editors

Notes to editors

About the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR)Founded in 1948, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) is the Royal Chartered professional body for public relations practitioners in the UK and overseas. The CIPR is the largest membership organisation for PR practitioners outside of North America. By size of turnover and number of individually registered members, we are the leading representative body for the PR profession and industry in Europe.

The CIPR advances professionalism in public relations by making its members accountable to their employers and the public through a code of conduct and searchable public register, setting standards through training, qualifications, awards and the production of best practice and skills guidance, facilitating Continuing Professional Development (CPD), and awarding Chartered Public Relations Practitioner status (Chart.PR).

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